Is Gen Z Now Old News?
Image via UnSplash
You might be reading this with a bit of confusion.
As a Gen Z myself, it feels as though we’ve just taken over from Millennials. We’ve barely had time to establish our trends and spending habits, yet here we are—faced with the question: Is Gen Z already old news?
The short answer? Yes and no.
As the generation that grew up with the internet, social media, and instant access to information, we’ve been the primary target of countless marketing campaigns. Our economic power is undeniable, contributing to 40% of global spending, and we’re on track to soon becoming the highest-spending generation. Yet, despite this growing influence, marketeers already seem to be shifting their attention.
At the start of this year, I joined the marketing industry as a Copywriter at Seen Presents, an independent, brand experience agency. When I started, the focus was clear—Gen Z was the demographic to reach. The agency prioritised investing in young talent, like myself, who could offer fresh insights and creativity. After all, if we’re creating experiences for Gen Z, shouldn’t we have Gen Z voices influencing those ideas?
But in just nine months, I’ve noticed a shift. Brands that were once laser-focused on Gen Z are now turning their attention to Generation Alpha—the kids born after 2010. You might be thinking, “Some of them are still in primary school. Why market to them now?”
It’s a valid question. While Gen Alpha aren’t making major purchasing decisions yet, they’re growing up with technology integrated into every aspect of their lives, and they’re already influencing family spending decisions. Platforms like Roblox, TikTok, and YouTube are shaping how they interact with the world, moulding their preferences, tastes, and even brand loyalties. It may seem premature to target them in wider marketing campaigns, but their influence is undeniable with 87% of Millennial parents claiming Gen A influence the products they purchase.